Progressive scolioses in growth age above 20° Cobb should be treated with a corset in addition to scoliosis-specific physiotherapy, which serves to control growth. The aim of the treatment is to stop a further deterioration until the end of growth, to correct existing curvatures and to maintain the corrections achieved.

In German-speaking countries, the derotation orthosis according to Chêneau (Chêneau corset) is most frequently used, which is also used today for lumbar scolioses that were previously treated with the Boston orthosis. Only very high thoracic curvatures require the neck part of the Milwaukee corset for their therapy, which is usually not necessary.

Scoliosis corset therapy must be performed by teams of physician-orthopaedic technicians who have experience in scoliosis treatment.

The success of therapy depends not only on the optimal fit and adherence to wearing times, but also on the maximum possible curvature correction. Therefore, an initial reduction of the curvature angle in the corset (primary correction) by at least 40 % should be aimed for.

After 2 weeks of wearing, the correction effect of the corset (the primary correction) should be checked in a first X-ray. In the further course of the treatment, the orthopaedic technician carries out checks every three months, which are also used for corrections to the corset (e.g. reinforcement of the pressure pads).

The corset should be worn for at least 16 hours a day. At the end of the corset treatment (usually after the end of growth) the corset should only be worn at night for another year.





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